The gas collecting and utilisation system in Izmir was extended to 28 MW(el) during the year 2021.
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planning » landfill planning services » leak water treatment and return
The proper selection of a procedure for the conditioning of leak water is decisive not only for the quality of cleaning but especially for the costs occurring after the landfilling. Technically mature biologic processes or procedures with „reverse osmosis“ are available at the market. Due to cost-efficiency concerns and to reasons of „biologic activation”, in any case a customised procedure for the return of leak water to the landfill body should be used.
Besides improving the biologic conversion rate and increasing the gas generation rate, a significant cost reduction can be achieved. Issues of concern with the leak water return system are, however, the necessary costs for installing a homogenous sealing of the entire deposition area, as well as the long-term effectiveness of the system. In scope of the realisation of such a suitable return system for leak water, with injection well, trenching, spray or surface distribution system, we will be pleased to support you with our knowledge and many years of experience in realising such systems.
The gas collecting and utilisation system in Izmir was extended to 28 MW(el) during the year 2021.
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